With a good strategy – silver easily may become gold!

With a good strategy – silver easily may become gold!

15/12/2023, 20:07

It is not an easy road from the very beginning till the end of one of the most important events in the minifootball world: the WMF World Cup 2023.

It is not an easy road from the very beginning till the end of one of the most important events in the minifootball world: the WMF World Cup 2023. However, teams were aware of the challenges and numerous games that they had to win to get into the Top 3 this year.

The team from Kazakhstan met with all-star teams while reaching 2nd place: Mexico during the eight-finals, the Czech Republic during the quarter-finals, Azerbaijan in the semifinals, and Romania – 2023 champion.

Now that the teams had time to reflect on their performance, we received valuable feedback from Nuridin Isa – manager of the Kazakhstan Minifootball Federation when we asked what their expectations were; what the obstacles they faced were, and what their plans were.

He shared confidently: “Yes, we expected that we would be among the top 3. There were no obstacles, just it was hard to organize more time for training of the team… We are proud that we had good communication and collaboration among players, as it is always highly important. We will, however, analyze our previous games and try to reduce mistakes.”

In such a good spirit, we believe there will be a lot more successful competitions for the Kazakh team.


World Minifootball Federation
Strada dell’Argine, 2
6512 Giubiasco


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